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Updated: Apr 8, 2021

A collection of assignments and projects that I have completed while learning the fundamentals of garment construction.

Although I do have a gallery of clothing I wanted to include an official section of different projects I learnt while attending university. Before going into Human Ecology, I was a self taught seamstress that relied on youtube tutorials to get me through projects I didn't quite understand yet. I learnt when joining HECOL 254 that I had a lot to learn! I began to teach myself to sew originally because I wanted to learn how to make costumes and cosplays, and in a apparel class my style definitely pushed the limits of clothing and costume. I remember my professor Vlada Blinova constantly telling me that "We are not in a costume class". But I still managed to throw some elements into my designs! I took a total of 3 sewing classes with the university, and they definitely helped me improve my technique and gain fundamentals of pattern drafting, manipulation of fabrics and patterns, as well as design.

I will be including items from

  • HECOL 354

  • HECOL 454



Principles of design and merchandising applied to apparel design and portfolio development. A creative problem-solving to production of a line of clothing


Although I did not add any artefacts from HECOL 254 I will note that my grey skirt at the top of this section is from that class. I do not have much information on that piece, so I have decided to not reflect on it.

This class was very interesting to me, as I got to design something that I would be able to wear, as well as price out my labour for my creations. We also got to design pattern blocks for a blouse and skirt that we learnt how to then manipulate into several variations. I really enjoyed this and use my blocks constantly now outside of class.

For my blouse and skirt I decided to base my design off of Princess Leia. The blouse was based off of her white gown from Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, and the skirt I based off of her outfit that she wears on Cloud City in Star Wars Episode V: Empire Strikes Back. The blouse turned out really beautifully except the chalk I used to mark it never came out despite using tailor's chalk, and washing it in Oxy-Clean twice before submitting it! I think I may have to just dye it a darker colour so I can finally wear it! My skirt was really complicated because I had a diamond shaped waistband, and I also worked with satin which can be a difficult material. I think overall it came out nice, but it is definitely a first attempt which was reflected in my marks, that were good but not ideal. I would like to try it now and see how it would turn out now!



Advanced problems in apparel and product development. Draping and fabric manipulation techniques are explored. The focus is traditional specialty fabric techniques and experimental production methods.


Now this course was interesting. It ended up being cut short due to COVID-19, and so I did not finish my project I had initially designed. I also had gone through a very difficult family health crisis the two weeks leading up to lockdown so my progress was not as far as my peers. Still, the content we covered before was very interesting and I really enjoyed it. I enjoyed the fabric manipulation that allowed us to stitch, cut, felt, glue, etc. fabric in order to transform it into something unique. We also did alterations of specialty fabrics, including adding zippers, darts, and different seams. I worked on sequinned fabric and it is definitely not an easy fabric to sew! But as someone who enjoys sparkle in my costumes I thought it would be a useful fabric to study.

We also did some pattern draping where I draped a bustier top on a quarter scale dress form. I was really proud of this as I got 92% and my only faults were that I had done some pattern marking incorrectly and pinned the garment to the mannequin incorrectly. Lastly, we made a dress pattern block that I was able to make by modifying my blouse pattern from the year before.


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